
Termite Treatment in Delhi

Best Termite Treatment Company in Delhi NCR

Commercial termite treatment services refer to the professional services provided by Lojiqs Serivces to Protect commercial properties from termite infestations. These services typically involve a range of techniques and strategies designed to prevent, control, or eliminate termites from the premises.Some common types of commercial termite treatment services include: Inspection: Pest control professionals will conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify areas of termite activity, damage, and potential entry points.

Treatment: Treatment options may include bait stations, liquid termiticides, or fumigation, depending on the severity of the infestation and the type of property.

Prevention: In addition to treatment, pest control companies may offer preventative measures to minimize the risk of future termite infestations, such as installing physical barriers or treating the soil around the property.

Monitoring: Regular monitoring and maintenance may be necessary to ensure long-term termite protection for commercial properties.

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Why Termites At My Home?

Termites are particularly fond of Indian dwellings, but why? Various factors can make your home appealing to a hungry colony of termites. To assist you in understanding the hazards and prevent termites from settling on your property, our termite specialists present you with termite identification methods and monitoring suggestions on how to control termites at home.

With Advanced 3X drill, fill, and seal odorless service, you can protect your home and furnishings from termites (deemak).

Our Professional Team Gives you Best Termite Control Service and Excellent Support

Termite control is a complex treatment procedure. Termite breeding areas must be identified before termite control treatment can begin. Termites are typically found in locations that are inaccessible to light and fresh air. They mainly live in the ground, where they dig channels like mud tubes to convey food supplies like wood from above. Once their nesting place has been found, our pest control Pro drills many 4-5 inch deep equidistant holes. The next phase in the process involves injecting liquid-based chemicals into the drilled holes to eliminate termites. Finally, patch up the holes and let the chemicals do their work. Following chemical injection, the holes are neatly sealed with white cement.


Our Services

Other Pest Control Services

Mosquito Treatment

When mosquito bites it make too much pain, but more then pain they make us infected by dengue, malaria or it can more dangerous…

Flies Treatment

House flies or flies are os irritating, also they are so harmful for us, because leaves bacteria on foods where they sit, when we eat food becteria enter in our body…..

Termite Treatment

if any furniture or wooden products of house and office are hollowed, the reason is only termites, and we provide pest control service for termites treatment…..

Pre-Construction Treatment

Per-construction treatments is applied to the soil during construction of building. and we do this professionally and with dedicated our team……

You Might Have Termites in Your Home

Post-Construction Treatment

Treatment of subsurface termites is done by handling the soil conterminous to or under the structure with a product that kills…..

General Pest control

General pest control service include all kinds of pest controls services like termites, cockroaches, files, mosquitos and we are experts in it…..

(Cockroach) Roaches Treatment

we know cockroaches are harmful insects and they can make us infected with bacteria and illness, no worries we provies cockroaches treatment….

Rats & Rodent Treatment

it’s not good to see rats in houses, because they can cause lot’s of losses, like they can tear your important paper or maybe your favorite clothes…..

Bedbugs Treatment

Bedbugs are insects that can make you ill, when they bites you while hiding in your bed, sofa or in any types of mattress and they looks so awful….

Our Happy Clients!


The best time to have a termite treatment is during the spring or fall seasons when the
weather is mild and termites are most active. It’s also important to have regular inspections
to catch any infestations early and prevent costly damage to your property.

Hire a professional exterminator who can assess the extent of the infestation and
recommend appropriate treatment, which may include chemical sprays, baits, or fumigation.
Regular inspections and preventative measures, such as removing wood debris and fixing
moisture problems, can also help prevent future infestations.

The life of termite treatment varies depending on the type of treatment used, severity
of infestation, and environmental factors. Chemical barrier treatments typically last 5-10
years, while baiting systems require ongoing monitoring and maintenance. Regular
inspections and preventive measures can extend the life of termite treatment.

The most effective permanent treatment for termites is to use professional
termite control methods such as chemical barrier treatments, bait systems, or
fumigation. Regular inspections and preventative measures can also help prevent
future infestations.

The best type of termite treatment depends on the severity of the infestation
and the type of termites. Options include liquid termiticides, bait systems, and
fumigation. Consultation with a professional pest control company is recommended.

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